Friday, December 12, 2008

Commentary to "Nicaragua was left in a Ditch to Die"

“Nicaragua was left in a ditch to die” is a very informative article; it comes from an author that is clearly writing to Americans and those who are just uninformed of the past actions of the United States government. J. Fonseca attempts, and very successfully, to help the reader reflect on the issues of violations of the Nicaraguan sovereignty.
The Unites States government has earned its reputation. This Government creates and dismantles anything in its path, thinking only on the benefits for the U.S. and ignoring the effects it might have on other nations.
The American Government has its reasons for applying such tactics against the communist Nicaraguan government, but is it really justified?
The United States order the placement of mines around the Nicaraguan harbors and funded the guerrillas against Nicaraguan government. The U.S. government funded the El Salvador’s attacks against Nicaragua, and suspended all trade with this country, trade that Nicaragua was largely dependent on. The U.S. was found guilty under the treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, treaty that was signed in 1956. How ironic, the actions committed are in fact terrorism.
The United Stated therefore was found guilty under international law, but decided to declare the ruling of the International Court “questionable” as a matter of fact, the U.S. called the judges questionable, how arrogant. During the presidency of G. H. W. Bush, many contributions to Nicaragua were made with hopes of declaring the charges null, now that is questionable.
Because of the embargo placed on Nicaragua and the ongoing “civil war”, Nicaragua has become the second poorest country in Central America; well, technically north and central. Nicaragua has a GDP of 16.17 million and a per capita of 2,800. One must realize that the actions of the U.S. affected Nicaraguans; the poor always suffer the most