Friday, November 14, 2008

Commentary to "Why I'm Pro-Choice"

The following is a commentary to Kat Kotz's editorial "Why I'm Pro-choice. Logic."

No person can decide for a mother to be, whether she should undergo such tremendous transformation or not. Motherhood should be defined as a period of time where a woman realizes her life belongs to, not herself but her child.
Not many are willing, and or able commit to such selfless metamorphosis.

As a nation that takes pride of an Idea of separation of church and state; I have found that great deals of politicians impose their religious views upon the public. If our government acts accordingly to separation of church and state; why are we so afraid of electing a Muslim or an atheist? But that is beside the point. I believe abortion is a moral religious issue, and should be dealt accordingly to the INDIVIDUAL’S ideology.

As I prepared to make a somewhat of a knowledgeable comment on this wonderful article; I came upon the infant mortality rate of the U.S., according to the CIA World Fact Book, In which our country ranks 181(on a scale where 1 represents the nation most prone to infant mortality) Ironically the communist nation of Cuba ranks 182. Needless to say Cuba does not operate on a health program that is considered “gold standard”. As one of my classmates, the author of “Politico Going Commando”, points out public officials should focus on reducing the rate of infant mortality instead of focusing on abortion.

As I dig a little deeper I found that government has currently decreased the funding for WIC; a wonderful program that provides basic need for mothers, and young children. If public officials are decided to conserve life; why not start by providing stable conditions for the mother? By providing a suitable environment the abortion rate is prone to decrease, for women tend to consider abortion as a last resort.

As a woman I share your emotional point of view. I have found your editorial refreshing because it provides an honest opinion, that many women happen to share. I feel you made a strong argument, bringing to the table a cynicism that gets the point across. Kat Kotz clearly shows she has done her research, bringing to the table a pleasant twist.